June sunshine boosted spending in pubs and restaurants

The June sunshine boosted spending in pubs by 28% compared to the previous month, new figures from AIB show.

Spending in hotels jumped by 12%, while restaurant spend increased by 7%.

The data shows that spending in pubs and restaurants peaked on 24 June, the day of Dublin Pride.

“This information is vital for businesses, enabling them to plan for both peak and off-peak periods throughout the year to effectively meet their customers’ needs,” said John Brennan, Head of SME Banking at AIB.

Across all sectors, spending in June increased by 4%.

Spending on groceries increased by 3%, while spending on hardware fell 3% following a significant increase the previous month.

“People are still enjoying spending time at home and in the garden, as DIY and hardware spend continues to stay strong, despite a slight decline in June,” Mr Brennan added.

The figures also show that spending on air travel dropped 6% when compared to May, likely because most people have already made their summer holiday plans.

Article Source: June sunshine boosted spending in pubs and restaurants – Gill Stedman – RTE

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