Irish employers least likely to use AI – global survey

Irish employers are least likely to use artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace, according to new global research.

The survey of 79,000 businesses across Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and the UK was conducted by HR firm The Peninsula Group.

The research found that employers in Australia and New Zealand are the most likely to use AI regularly, while Irish employers are the least likely.

Nearly one-in-four Irish employers said they were fearful of the unknown when it came to AI and over half of Irish SMEs said they were concerned about the risk AI poses to security.

The research also showed a big increase in the number of Irish employers who were concerned about the reputational impact of AI.

Globally, a third of SMEs believe AI has the potential to positively transform the workplace, while one-in-ten believe it will be highly detrimental.

The study showed that use of AI remains low across small and medium businesses; despite a 50% year on year increase, only one-in-ten SMEs say they are regularly using AI in their workplace.

Almost half of those surveyed reported concerns about the security risks posed by AI, a 60% year-on-year increase.

Significant year-on-year increases were also seen in concerns around reputational impact, risks of breaking the law, loss of intellectual property and the impact on work quality and productivity.

Meanwhile there has been a 6% decrease in the number of businesses believing that AI has the potential to transform many workplaces, alongside a 19% increase in the number saying AI is useful but will not overtake traditional ways of working.

The survey also found a 21% increase in the number of employers saying they were fearful of the unknown when it comes to AI.

Where businesses have incorporated AI into the business, the majority are using it for administrative tasks or creative writing.

“AI continues to dominate the headlines, but it’s clear that businesses are still unsure of the balance between risk and potential,” said Peninsula Group Chief Operations Officer Alan Price.

“As usage increases, so do the concerns. This shows that there is still considerable work to be done to reassure SMEs around the world,” Mr Price said.

Article Source – Irish employers least likely to use AI – global survey – RTE

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