Calm weather leads to drop in wind energy generation in May

Wind generated just 23% of Ireland’s electricity in May, with calm conditions leading to a 38% drop in generation when compared to April.

New figures from Gas Networks Ireland show that gas generated 57% of Ireland’s electricity last month, up 21% month-on-month.

Gas has been the highest contributor to Ireland’s electricity generating system for the seventh month in a row.

“It’s not surprising as we move into early Summer, to see gas playing an even greater role in meeting Ireland’s energy needs,” said Brian Mullins, Gas Network Ireland’s Acting Director of Strategy and Regulation.

“The period from April until September tends to be the months of highest gas demand for electricity generation, as wind levels typically fall off at this time,” he added.

Overall, today’s data shows that gas demand remained the same in May as it was in April.

However, gas demand from a number of sectors was down month-on-month, including air travel, education, office complexes, leisure and sport arenas.

Meanwhile, demand for CNG – Compressed Natural Gas, has increased by 12% month-on-month and by 19% year-on-year from a modest base.

Made by compressing natural gas down to less than 1% of its volume, CNG is a more environmentally friendly fuel than petrol or diesel and provides the Irish haulage industry with a cleaner alternative fuel option.

Article Source – Calm weather leads to drop in wind energy generation in May – RTE

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